Saturday, March 5, 2011


As I mentioned yesterday, I attended a conference to earn a certificate in sports nutrition. After a day full of lectures, I took my test. I won't know for sure for a little while but I'm pretty confident I passed.

An interesting statistic from today's class: People born between 2000 and 2003 have a 25 percent chance of developing Type 2 Diabetes. It really made me think about how we'll feed our child. I don't want to be super strict about his diet, but I want him to be healthy and live a long life. We will try to feed him wholesome foods while allowing him to also have some treats that may not be the healthiest thing (cookies, candy, etc.).

The key (and this should be a no-brainer) is moderation. I'm not going to preach about nutrition here. I just want to say how sad it is that so many children struggle with obesity today. Were our parents (or parents of previous generations) really more conscientious about our diets? Are we that lazy? Or has it been a downward spiral?

*Nutrition - the science or study of, or a course of study in, nutrition, especially of humans.


  1. I think failure in the nutrition front is partially to blame for the obesity epidemic, but I believe it's more attributable to all the screen time and lack of physical play time: running around outside, riding bikes, playing REAL sports instead of those on a computer or video game, walking to their friends' houses instead of prearranged play dates in which Mom drives them everywhere. Even just plain ol' walking to school. All the crap eaten wouldn't be quite as detrimental if kids -- and adults -- were more active.

  2. @Lisa, too true. It takes moving AND fewer Twinkies.
