Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Week 13: And I have nothing to wear

This week, according to Fit Pregnancy, my baby-to-be is 2 1/2 to 3 inches long or "the size of a medium goldfish." Now, all I can think about are Goldfish crackers. Great. Because with the decrease in nausea, my appetite has really increased. (Not that I'm thinking about eating babies, obviously!)

Some of my clothes are starting to get a little too snug. I am really not ready to buy any actual maternity clothes, though. So, maybe I just need to buy some yoga pants. They're nice and stretchy, right? Without looking baggy and sloppy.

Fit Pregnancy also tells me I'll have more energy. I have to call BS on that one. Maybe they don't mean those of us who are of "advanced maternal age." Because, whether it's my age or the change in the weather, I haven't felt any more energetic yet. In fact, I've been just as tired -- if not more -- than ever.

And just when I thought week 13 was going to be all peaches and cream, they tell me, "Your smell and taste aversions will probably stick with you for the rest of your pregnancy." So even thought I was hoping to go back to my pre-pregnancy eating habits, I probably won't be eating too many vegetables or fish -- except maybe Goldfish crackers, that is.


  1. Heh, I don't remember ANY part of pregnancy being peaches and cream. But maybe you'll be lucky. :)

  2. Wait. What? I thought this was some kind of magical journey that would end with rainbows coming out of my vagina. That's not what's going to happen? Crap.

  3. Seriously if someone tells you the felt the best when they were pregnant, they're lying. My M-I-L said that to me when we told her I was pregnant. Really I was miserable but maybe it was just me.;0)

  4. Maybe you could have tomato soup with goldfish crackers. That would count as veggies and fish, right?

  5. Lisa, that sounds like a great idea.

  6. I swear I commented on this yesterday. I also think it was somewhat witty and amusing. Now I just want a cracker, too.
