Monday, April 2, 2012

Cesaren Awareness Month

April is Cesarean Awareness Month. I didn't plan to have a C-section when I gave birth to Milo. I didn't want to have a C-section. And I'm pretty sure the doctor's decision to perform one was not made lightly. But in the end, Milo was facing the wrong direction and was starting to show signs of distress. Today, Milo is healthy and happy, and I don't regret the way he entered this world. But I sure wouldn't have chosen a C-section if he would have cooperated.

I have only had one baby so I don't have experience with a vaginal birth. But considering the fact that a woman's body is designed to push a baby out that way, I'm thinking it has to be easier in the long run. Maybe it isn't easier right at that moment, but recovery has to be worlds easier.

With a C-section, I didn't get to start exercising for a couple months after I gave birth. I still experience pain at my incision site. (I almost typed "at the sight of my incision." Which is also true.) I didn't get to hold my baby until he was a few hours old. In fact, I barely got to touch him right after his birth. Rolling into recovery without the S.O. at my side was scary. Rolling into recovery without my baby was sad and lonely.

If I ever decide to have a second child, I will try harder to prevent having a C-section. Here are five ways to avoid one, from (click the link for full details):
  1. Select your care provider wisely.
  2. Get educated about labor and birth.
  3. Avoid induction of labor.
  4. Use medications and interventions wisely.
  5. Bring support for labor.
It's certainly better to not have a C-section if it can be avoided. Still, I wouldn't change a thing if it meant not having this gorgeous, silly face to look at.

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