Monday, April 16, 2012

1 year

Dear Milo,

You are snoozing away right now, after a full weekend with parties and friends and cake. Then you had another long day today.

You spent the first part of the last month getting over a nasty infection. Despite that, you have changed so much. You now walk everywhere.

You have started saying, "All done" and signing "milk" in context. You aren't a baby anymore. You are such a big boy. You aren't content to just sit around -- whether it's at home or in stores. When we have to go shopping, you'd rather push the cart than sit in it.

You're such a little flirt. You are now much friendlier with everybody, even though you still don't much like other people holding you.

You make me laugh every day. I wish I could bottle your giggles for a rainy day. You are so sweet and make me feel like I'm the greatest thing since sliced bed. You light up when you see me, and it makes me melt.

We had such a good time celebrating your birthday. We had a party at The Little Gym because you love it there so much. It makes me smile just to see how happy you get doing simple things.

Bubbles and balls are some of your favorite things.

I'm pretty sure you knew the day was all about you.

This past year has been the most amazing, exhilarating, exhausting, joyous, life-affirming 12 months I've ever experienced. For every frustration, there are at least a dozen things that make me thankful beyond words that I'm your mommy. You are the greatest blessing of my life. I wouldn't trade one second of the past year for anything in the world.

Happy birthday, my little miracle man. I love you beyond measure.



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