Thursday, February 10, 2011

Week 29: Eyelashes and dreams

This week's update from Fit Pregnancy assures me that my additional weight isn't just due to too many Super Bowl party snacks. "The volume of your uterus alone can be up to 1,000 times larger than it was before you got pregnant!" it says.

Still, if the little one inside my weighs about 2 1/2 pounds, as they say, I have added a lot of extra weight. I know how important it is, but it's still really uncomfortable.

They also tell me Baby's brain can detect rhythmic breathing and control body temperature, so he's less likely to need breathing assistance should he be born early. Also:
(He's) growing eyelashes, adding fat, and developing (his) brain. Because of brain wave activity, researchers have speculated that babies can even dream at this time!
As for my expanding body, they tell me it's not unusual to feel fatigue similar to what I felt in the first trimester. As tired as I continued to be throughout the second trimester, I have to admit I did feel better then. Naps are more frequent now, as are trips to the bathroom -- thanks to my uterus putting more pressure on my bladder.

My trip to the doctor this week included measurements -- I'm exactly where I should be! -- as well as my glucose tolerance test and a Rhogam shot. It was a long appointment because I had to sit for an hour after drinking the yummy glucose mixture, then return to the doctor's office for the shot after they drew blood. Thank goodness for my iPod and my digital copy of "Despicable Me." I can only take so much of "The View" after all.


  1. Ooooo - I LOVED Despicable Me! FLUFFY!!!

    Glad to hear the appointment went well!

  2. THIS amazes me: "The volume of your uterus alone can be up to 1,000 times larger than it was before you got pregnant!" Just a little too weird. Maybe it's a typo. I can't believe ONE THOUSAND TIMES LARGER.

    I've not seen Despicable Me but it sounds like I need to.
