Monday, July 18, 2011

Three months old

Dear Milo,

This month has been full of firsts for you. You met one of your great aunts. You took a cross-country road trip to meet cousins and aunts and uncles. You went to the zoo. You had your first Father's Day with Daddy. You attended a renaissance festival.

And got a hat!

You are changing so quickly, some days it feels like I can see you changing before my eyes. You've completely lost the scrawny newborn look and are now a full-fledged baby, with roly-poly thighs and chubby cheeks.

You are now fascinated by our ceiling fans, and they never fail to elicit a smile or even a giggle from you. We can keep you entertained for a long stretch with your new musical mobile, as you lay there watching it.

You are so much more aware of the world around you, and sometimes it's a scary place. You're more likely to break down and cry when a loud noise startles you now. The dog barking, Mommy coughing, Daddy calling to Mommy in your presence can all cause you to flail your arms, then melt down into tears -- especially if you are even a little hungry.

You've been able to ride around in your stroller. So far you mostly just fall asleep, but soon you'll appreciate not being strapped to Mommy's or Daddy's chest when we take you out.

You can almost roll over all by yourself. Which means no more leaving you alone on the bed.

Our trip to visit family threw off your sleeping and eating schedules, but before we left, you slept almost seven hours straight. I hope we can get you back to that when we return home.

You're growing like crazy. Last time I checked, you were nearly 15 pounds. Many of the clothes you're wearing are labeled for 6- to 9-month old babies. You seem to eat constantly. And you are much more resistant to naps, regardless of what's happening around you.

You are holding your head up consistently during tummy time. Unless, that is, you're really tired. Then you're likely to lay your head down and take a nap that way. I have to admit that I let you fall asleep that way, but I watch you like a hawk and turn you on your back once you've drifted off. You can get extremely fussy when you need your nap and don't want to take one.

In between feedings and needing naps, though, you are one happy baby. You have expanded your vocabulary to include lots of goos and gagas. You smile and giggle regularly and have recently taken to wrinkling your nose at us, which makes us laugh and makes you smile at us.

If it's possible, I love you now more than ever. No matter what your schedule or bodily function, you are my sweetheart.


1 comment:

  1. Chubby cheeks are SO made for kissing and his look especially good! What an eventful few months. He's growing like mad and I can't wait to see him again!
